

Religious values and the Environment

2014年3月29日   投稿者:宮司


Religious values and the Environment

The case of Shinto

Shinto is one of polytheisms. In Shinto, people are thinking the spiritual power in Nature and the spiritual energy of Ancestors as Kami, deities or divine being. This might be thought as one of animism, but something different. In this modernized Japan, people still do many Shinto festivals and eagerly participate in such rituals. This means such religious thinking is not contradictory to scientific thinking.


Exchange and mutual understanding of religions and cultures result in the worldwide peace.

2014年3月29日   投稿者:宮司

以下は、2014年4月、バチカンで行われたICD(INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL DEPLOMACY)のイベントに短いスピーチの依頼を受けて作成したものです。日程の都合で、発表は出来ませんでしたが、私のIARF(INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM)での30年間の活動を通して得た考えを簡潔にまとめたものです。是非皆様に知って欲しいので、ここにアップすることにしました。英語と日本語の両方で示します。

Exchange and mutual understanding of religions and cultures result in the worldwide peace.

What is a human being?

Since the Old Stone Age, human beings have prayed for a good catch and a better harvest. If praying or having faith is the clear difference between human beings and other animals, religions must be said to be the essence of human beings.

But sometimes we say that as the differences of religions or the difference in culture is the basic difference between human beings, therefore human beings have to have conflicts with each other.             Is this true?
